
Showing posts from September, 2021

Blog Journal #4

    When looking at the second grade ELA technology standard,  LAFS.2.W.2.6, I felt confident that I could implement this standard with a little exploration into the storybook creator and graphic creator. I have knowledge and skills using the rest of the technology which are smart boards, class blogs, and Word. I could use Canva, which I am well acquainted with now, instead of their suggested pixlr. Overall, this standard looks achievable with the skillset I have in educational technology.      To continue with the second-grade ELA theme, I selected the interactive resource, Cool Context Clues. I like that this could be an independent tool for students that I could include in centers work (for those that are at the technology center). I like that it's themed, I think that will get the students more engaged and I could also center my lesson plan around a similar theme as well. This resource can also serve as an introduction to a lesson that I teach later in the lesson so that studen

Blog Journal #3

     Copyright and fair use are important for educators to understand. These two principles usually go hand in hand and provide educators a way to ensure they are using another person's thoughts or ideas in the proper way. Copyright is defined as protection for a person's intellectual property and that person has the right to distribute their work how they wish and regulate how others share their work as well. Fair use is the way that others are allowed to use copyrighted work. Fair use only allows use of a work if they're not using it for a profit and its for educational reasons. In an educational space, this would mean that I would have to adapt lesson plans to be my own creative work and I should teach younger children that they need to give credit to those that originally created the work, and teach older children how to protect their own works.      Decreased productivity is a technology implementation issue that may arise with my students. The way that I would prevent

Blog #2

      My experiences with Microsoft Word have been extensive throughout my years as a student. In elementary school, I used it far less than I do presently. In high school, it shifted from Microsoft Word to Google Docs due to the school's use of Google for our main accounts. When I got to FSU, I made the decision to use Microsoft Word, simply because I found it easier to use and I liked that it was saved to my computer rather than a cloud. I have an easier time finding my documents when they are on my hard drive. It's also easier to use offline and while Google Docs has updated their word processing software to allow for this, it's the convenience of using Word that drew me back to Microsoft.      The standard from the ISTE Standards for Educators list that seems most important to me is the citizen standard. We live in a world that is ever-changing as a result of the internet and as someone who grew up when the internet was just in its infancy and not as widespread as it is


  "Welcome to Texas sign, I-10"   by  Martin LaBar  is licensed under  CC BY-NC 2.0